Day 101: Flat-ish

Date:  July 19, 2017
Miles: 1738.6 – 1770.9

True to what we’ve heard about Oregon, the trail is relatively flat in this section, although ‘flat’ is a relative term.  Usually by this time, a hiker has been anywhere from near sea-level up to the highest point in the lower 48, with a lot of ups and downs in between, so the generally rolling hills of Oregon seem very benign in comparison and big miles can be done easily.  The trail here, though, is still a good workout. 

From the Little Hyatt Reservoir, we hiked into the Rogue River National Forest and the terrain made a drastic turn to fields filled in with contrasting red and black lava rock.

The day was largely uneventful, consisting mostly of quiet minutes stretching into hours among the trees, and a glimpse of Mt. McLoughlin toward the end of the day.

Mt. McLoughlin

We’re trying to get to Bend by the end of the month, so we’re ramping up the miles. We did 32 today and will do another 30 tomorrow. My body will make me pay, I’m sure.

Little Hyatt Reservoir, being all steamy in the morning.

Maybe they were cooking meth, maybe they weren’t. I don’t know. I kept walking.

Hiker text messages.