Date: September 7, 2017
Miles: 0
Since we left Canada, we dropped A-Game off in Seattle, stayed at my house in Kelso for a few days, then drove down to Bishop, California to get back on trail via the Onion Valley Campground and Kearsarge Pass.
We relaxed on the couch at the Hostel California in Bishop this morning, drinking coffee and reading about Lake Tahoe until my stomach told me to go to Denny’s and have pancakes. After that, I wrote a few blog posts and waited for Fluffy’s package of Sierra things to arrive. It finally came around 1 pm, and we got all packed up to head to Onion Valley. It only took about two minutes to get a ride from an interesting lady who appeared to have had a rough life, but had the company of three sweet dogs, Falafel, Hummus and Baba Ghanoush. We were soon at the Onion Valley campground, staring at the trail up to Kearsarge Pass. I’m excited to get back out there tomorrow!