Days 65-67: Skipping The Sierra…For Now

Date:  June 13-15, 2017
Miles: A 208 mile hitch from Bishop to Truckee, CA

It was nice to spend a couple days in Bishop doing anything but hiking. We ate a lot, hung out in gear shops (one of the owners showed me and Matthew pictures of his thru-hike in the 70s…giant external frame packs and blue jeans!  Those guys were hard core!), and saw Roi’s favorite Israeli actress play Wonder Woman in the new movie. 

Over a pancake breakfast, we all discussed the pros and cons of going back in to the sierras. The consensus we came to was that we were all capable of continuing on, but that we did not want to spend a month mountaineering, encountering rivers that might not be fordable, and taking unknown chances when we could possibly come back in the fall and see the glory of the Sierra without having to watch our feet navigate the sun cups all day. That last point was my perspective, anyway.  It also seemed that we would not be able to finish the whole trail if we tried to finish the Sierra section at 10 miles a day. 

So at the suggestion of a park ranger and John, we decided to hitch north to John’s friend’s place in Truckee and hike from there. Amazingly, Matthew and I (definitely with the help of the whole gang) got a hitch all the way from Bishop to a campground in Truckee.  John eventually joined us, and his friend Joey picked us up the next morning. Eventually, Roi, Connor and Katie joined us from their trip to Reno and we all enjoyed a day in Truckee, which is a really cute town. 

A big thank you to Joey and Sophie for hosting us at their house and showing us around town. You guys are amazing!!

So much love.
You have to get creative sometimes…
These guys talked about IT things for four hours. I fell asleep.
Norman drove us all the way to a campground in Truckee and didn’t ask for anything in return. People are amazing sometimes. So grateful.
The weekly street fair in Truckee.
Our gracious hosts.

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