Day 103: Mice Prefer Luna Bars

Date: July 21, 2017 
Miles: 1798.4 – 1818.4 

I hate to say this about nature, but sometimes it’s a little frustrating.  Like today.  The morning began with a thick cloud of mosquitos, most of them stuck to the outsides of our tents, waiting for us to dare to unzip our doors.  Later in the day, I walked right past an arrow and an X in the trail and went a mile in the wrong direction. I wasn’t the only person who was having a hard time sticking to the trail…I helped two hikers find their way back to their car on highway 62 after they climbed Union peak and got a little off track on the way down. They then gave me a ride to Mazama Village at Crater Lake.  There I picked up my resupply box, which I discovered had already been opened by some hungry mice. It looked like they had a nice meal of Luna bars. They left me most of the food, which was nice of them. 

One of the casualties.

We had an ok dinner at the Village and chatted with some remarkably clean park visitors. I took a quick shower to wash off the day, organized my food bag (actually just dumped everything in it) then hit the hay with the hope that tomorrow would be more enjoyable. Or at least have fewer mosquitos and mice. 

Roi, sharing my indignation.

I asked for so many root beer refills that they eventually brought me a pitcher.