Date: August 22 & 23, 2017
Miles: 2447.4 – 2465.2
“I’ll have the Train Wreck and a side breakfast sandwich. Will that be an insane amount of food?” ~ Donkey
It was another beautiful morning for us to make our way from Glacier Lake to Stevens Pass.
Fluffy, JD and I flagged down a ride to Skykomish and stopped at the cafe there to get what were touted as the biggest sandwiches on trail (they weren’t). Donkey and Polliwog pulled up a few minutes later in a sweet Volkswagen camper van and the driver was generous enough to let us all pile in for a ride to the local trail angel’s house – the Dinsmore’s.
The Dinsmores cooked up burgers and hot dogs for the 20 or so hikers that were there to rest up, do laundry and take showers. We chatted with them for a while, then set up camp in their yard. Every couple hours that night, trains would roar past the house, seemingly threatening to blast right through our tents.

I got a lot of hitching practice the next day, going from the Dinsmores to Skykomish, then back to the Dinsmores, then to the trailhead at Stevens Pass. Road construction made it more difficult, but we managed. After breakfast at the cascadia cafe in town, we went to the Whistlestop for beverages, then we went to the Sky Deli for more food. We got a hitch back to the Dinsmores on a commuter bus, where we found Tapeworm, a hiker I hadn’t seen since the Acton KOA.
We then packed up our stuff and Donkey, Polliwog, A-Game and I hitched to the trail and hiked out a few miles. Joe Dirt and Thunderfluff joined us a couple hours later.