Date: June 17, 2017
Miles: 1168.5 – 1184.7
I never get tired of waking up to a sunrise on the top of a mountain. I am working on not getting tired of snow.
Hiking started with the sun cups again, and the slush that made every step twice as difficult as it should have been, but it was a manageable kind of tough going.
I kept trying to boot ski down the slopes like Matthew and Roi do so successfully (I’ve been trying for DAYS), and I kept landing on my ass (as I’ve been doing for DAYS). Between the falling and glissading in running shorts, I’m pretty sore and scratched up and I’ve left a good bit of my butt in the mountains. Mercifully, the snow ended around mile 1180. I have never been so happy to see bare trail and I have sworn that I will never complain about it again (ha! I’m sure I will).
We had a much, much easier walk from then on. Toward the end of the day, we stopped at Pass Creek and took a quick bath in the icy water, which was a welcome relief from the ongoing heat.

We then strolled the last mile to a nice flat campground and had dinner with Orca, or rather, we ate more of Orca’s gourmet food because it’s way better than ours, before the bugs drove us all to our respective tents for the night.